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You searched for: google map

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  • Earth in space on laptop Google website searches online pictures & photos of itself.
  • Driver enjoys song on car radio until annoying G.P.S. directions voice interrupts favorite part of purpose.
  • Greek myth Sisyphos pushing rock uphill sees time of arrival never ever on smartphone.
  • Baseball player with smartphone running bases in game asks teammate if they’ve become too reliant on GPS technology.
  • Parents’ smartphone GPS directions map shows fastest direct and longer routes for a sleeping baby riding in the car.
  • Smartphone GPS app shows horse, walking and hair travel methods to Rapunzel’s fairy tale tower.
  • Trip time on directions for walking a dog that has to stop and smell everything is much longer.
  • New Year’s Eve celebration firework on smartphone sees map app directions up and exploding out.
  • Man on sidewalk sees smartphone traffic delay warning as crowd of phone distracted pedestrians walk toward him.

You searched for: google map